Playing the lottery and actually winning the lottery is very hard unless you have a far superior lottery number winning strategy or lottery system. On our other blog we get many requests from people asking, How To Win A Lottery. The best way to win lotteries like Florida Lottery, Florida Powerball, California Lottery, National Lottery, New York Lottery, Ohio Lottery, Georgia Lottery, Irish National Lottery, Australian Powerball, Texas Lotto, Lotto 6/49 etc is to use a tested and proven effective lottery system, but of course the big lottery question is, which system? There are so many systems to choose from and you cannot try them all, it would cost a small fortune. I am going to break these lotto systems down for you and put them in good lotto systems to use or bad lotto systems sections.
Bad Lottery Systems:
All lottery software prediction analysis systems are not worth buying. These types of systems get their data for free from official lottery statistic sites. You can go to these sites and obtain the same data absolutely free, why pay for it? Even though this lottery game analysis data is free, it really does not help increase your win rates as most sellers of these types of systems would have you believe. All lotto software systems will ONLY give you a 2% increased win rate at best.
Many of these lotto software systems have been thoroughly tested and simply do not do as they advertise. Some of these lottery software systems that were tested were very poor, some making claims the system will give you a 96% win rate or more, Wrong! In numerous tests most of these kinds of systems only gave about a 2 percent win rate, they just use lots of hype to sell a very common old school system. Many other other systems were tested and did fail, most all were lottery software type systems. So might want to avoid lottery software programs they simply are for suckers, just gimmicks that will not help you as much as they claim!
Lottery wheeling systems can actually be very good, but the big problem here is finding those very good lottery wheeling systems out of hundreds of poor useless wheeling systems that do very little to hit lottery numbers. Most lottery wheels are made up very fast using special programs, there is No testing at all, No proven lottery results, No nothing, just a silly useless wheel sold under a catchy name, many shady marketers do this sort of crap. The way to find a good lottery wheeling system is by real users reviews (non affiliates) who recommend a system as they actually win lottery prize money using it.
Good Lottery Systems:
There are some where around 50 lottery systems for sale on the market, all claim they work great and will win the lottery for you! This of course is total B.S, only sellers lying to make fast cash say this sort of nonsense, their systems usually win nothing. Now for the real legit lottery systems that do actually work, there are only but a few good verified systems.
Smart Play Lotto Wheels is the most recommended lottery wheeling system to use by real lottery players. This excellent lotto wheeling system only gives you verified tested and proven lottery wheels that have won lotteries more than once. The system is very easy to use, not confusing as many other so-called good wheeling systems and is highly effective for producing lottery results for winning all pick 5 and all pick 6 lottery games.
This system is Rated a 4 out of 5.
Lotto Guy Lottery System is very a unique 3 step lottery system developed by real techs using real data analysis and applies winning numbers into categories that you pick your number combination from. If the numbers you chose to play do not fall with-in the 3 categories, you cannot play that number or numbers. With this outstanding lottery system you are very much in control, just follow the steps as they outline for you and you are on your way to a very real 30% increased chance to win any pick 5 or pick 6 lottery game, even some pick 7 lotto games as well. The Lotto Guy System also won a poll taking 83% of the votes for best lottery system out of 15 top selling systems, that is reliable proof of a good winning system.
This system is rated a 4 out of 5.
There are a few other lottery systems that show ok to mediocre results winning the lottery games, but the two above systems have the highest track record in the world for producing real lottery winning results, they are the good stuff that every serious lottery player should in fact be using!
Here is a warning to all. It has become very clear that purchasing a lottery system sold through places such as ClickBank could be very risky as many shady marketers sell their systems through them. It is not ClickBank that is shady, just the sellers.They lie about refunds, some charging your credit cards many times over, so best to avoid these silly systems, stick with only the reputable systems and you will not be at risk. The fact is you do need to use a lottery system if you want better winning success, just play smarter.